Seeing The Shooting Incident At The House Of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo From Brigadier J .'s Family Side

JAKARTA - "Open, open, open," Samuel Hutabarat kept shouting. He forced the police to open his son's coffin. Samuel's wife, Rosti Simanjuntak was in shock. His mouth continued to chatter in front of the casket of Brigadier Nopryansah Joshua Hutabarat (Brigadier J). Brigadier J is a member of the police who died from gunshot wounds at the house of the Head of the Propam Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo at the Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta on July 8, 2022.

While sobbing holding back tears, Rosti continued to force the police to open the crate. As a mother, she wanted to see her son's body one last time. The police who delivered the corpse still refused on the grounds that the body had been autopsied.

The family and the police had an argument. Moreover, when Samuel was asked to sign documents first if he wanted to open the coffin.

“I refused, because it was the same as buying a cat in a sack. Later, if there is a problem and I have signed it, I will be blamed, “said Samuel.

Finally, the police carrying Brigadier J's body melted. The family opened the coffin with a note that only parents, siblings and aunts were allowed to see. Also, no photos. Samuel's family agreed.

Jambi Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo visited the residence of the late Brigadier J in Suka Makmur Village, Sungai Bahar District, Muarojambi Regency, Jambi on Thursday 14 July 2022. (Doc. Public Relations of the Jambi Police)

The next day, Sunday (10/7), Brigadier J's coffin was opened. The family, according to Rohani Simanjuntak's statement, Brigadier J's aunt, was shocked to see the condition of the body, which was full of wounds.

There are 2 gunshot wounds to the right chest, one large, one small. Then the ring finger and little finger were broken. Fresh blood was still coming out of the little finger. Brigadier J's stomach was also bruised.

"There was a shot on the right side of the neck, the left hand also had a shot. On the right leg there is a mark of assault with a sharp weapon. The left eye on the right has a wound like an incision. There are stitches on the nose, on the lips too. His teeth were neat, when they looked messy, he said, quoted from Metro TV, Wednesday (13/7).

The family began to suspect. "Why did their complaint when they first arrived, it was a shootout," said Rohani.

Suspicion grew even greater when he learned that there was no CCTV evidence from Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's house. Brigadier J's cellphone was also not found. After all, Samuel said, if there was a shootout like the police said, the enemy would also be shot, especially since Brigadier J was the first to shoot and he has experience as a sniper.

“But yes, only God knows. The laws of the world can be engineered, God's laws cannot," he said, quoted from Tribunnews, Tuesday (19/7).

The family can only surrender even though there are many irregularities. When asked if the family will report. Rohani in an interview with Metro TV answered, “What can we do, we can't do anything. What we are fighting against is the general, if we complain it's at least the President or the National Police Chief. Hopefully the National Police Chief will watch our broadcast. If we are weak people, we are helpless.”

Family Decisions Change

After a few days, the family finally decided to take legal action to answer all suspicions. Not to mention, the allegations of harassment reported by the media are very disturbing mentally for the family. Already killed, he was also accused of abusing the boss' wife, Putri Chandrawati, who was none other than the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Finally, on Monday (18/7), the family attorney team of Brigadier J visited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. The family and the legal advisory team found a number of different facts from those released by the Karopenmas of the National Police Headquarters.

"Among other things, Karopenmas said a shootout occurred, but we did not find that fact and Karopenmas could not show the evidence, meaning it was a hoax," said Brigadier J's family lawyer, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak when contacted by VOI, Tuesday (19/7).

The family actually found sharp weapons wounds, cuts, bruises from beatings all over the body.

“Then there was the destruction of the teeth, the jaw, the incision on the lips, the incision in the nose, the incision in the eye. The wound was crushed on the right shoulder, the alleged damage to the fingers and hands then ended up with an incision in the leg," explained Kamaruddin Simanjuntak.

The attorney for the family of the late Brigadier J, Kamaruddin Sumanjuntak, presented a report to the police regarding the alleged premeditated murder. (Between)

That is, if there is an incision wound, it means it is not a gunshot wound, but torture and premeditated murder that results in the death of another person or murder or serious mistreatment that results in the death of another person.

"We have prepared the evidence. There are documents in the form of photos and videos. From the injuries suffered, the perpetrators could be more than one person," he said when contacted, Tuesday (19/7).

Kamaruddin asked for a repeat autopsy. Also, do a visa et repertume. "Could it be that the innards are no longer in there. We don't know," he said.

On the day of the incident Friday (8/7) at around 10.00 WIB, continued Kamaruddin, Brigadier J was still communicating with his mother via cellphone. Brigadier J, said he was in Magelang and wanted to go to Jakarta. Kamaruddin estimates that the travel time from Magelang to Jakarta will be around 7 hours, meaning that he will arrive in Jakarta at around 17.00 WIB.

However, based on a letter requesting an autopsy from the South Jakarta Police Chief to the Police Hospital, it was marked at 17.00 WIB.

“It means that Brigadier J has arrived already dead. This means that the crime involves the locus delicti between Magelang and Jakarta," he said.

On that basis, Kamaruddin asked the police to immediately secure the tools that could be evidence.

“Starting from CCTV from Magelang to Jakarta, the car used by Brigadier J from Magelang to Jakarta. So, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's cellphone and his wife also had to be confiscated. Then the cell phones of Bharada E and the other aides."

As for Brigadier J's cellphone, which has not been found until now, Kamaruddin suspects that there are indications of theft or disappearance.

“Until now, the four cellphone numbers belonging to the victim were nowhere to be found. With the victim's cellphone, the investigation process will be easier and faster. I have also made the report regarding the alleged theft and or embezzlement of the victim's cellphone," he added.

Form an Investigation Team

The National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has complied with the public's demand that the Head of the National Police's Propam Division, Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo, be deactivated. As his successor is the Deputy Chief of the National Police, Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono. The National Police Chief hopes that the examination can be more objective.

"Of course we hope that this case can be examined in an objective and transparent manner, of course, because it specifically concerns members' issues. We also want that this event can really become clear, therefore the team is moving so that the recommendations from the combined external and internal team that we have formed will become inputs that will be used to follow up related to things that we might get. to complete the existing investigation and investigation process," said the National Police Chief at a press conference, Monday (18/7).

The National Police Chief also created a special team to thoroughly investigate the case of Brigadier J's death. The team was led by Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono. The members are Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Polri Komjen Agus Andrianto, Kabaintelkam Polri Komjen Ahmad Dofiri, and Assistant to the National Police Chief for Human Resources Inspector General Wahyu Widada. The team also involved Komnas HAM, Kompolnas.

Kompolnas member Albertus Wahyurudhanto assessed that the step of the National Police Chief to disable Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from his position as the Head of the Propam Division was the right step. It can fulfill the public's wishes while avoiding fears of intervention during the investigation and investigation process.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo announced the deactivation of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from the position of the Head of the Propam Police Division. (Between)

"The right step and at the right moment when the investigation and investigation process has reached crucial stages. Moreover, those appointed as replacements are three-star officers," he said as quoted by Kompas TV, Tuesday (19/7).

Because, after all Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, will not escape the investigation. It will be easier for the team when they need information from anyone related to this case, including information from Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

“If you are still in office, there must be procedures, there are concerns, there are interventions, there are reluctance. Now it's gone," he said.

Albertus also considered that what was done by the family attorney of the late Brigadier J was very appropriate. Thus, law enforcement will be transparent and accountable.

“With the police report, the legal process becomes pro justitia. The handling will be more effective because all those who are questioned and examined will be included in the inspection report," said Albertus Wahyurudhanto.

Political analyst and Director of IndoStrategi Research and Consulting, Arif Nurul Imam, shares the same opinion. "This will certainly make it easier for the joint team to carry out investigations and investigations," he said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday (19/7).

Arif also appreciated the initiative of the National Police Chief to form a special team and an external team to be involved in investigating the case involving Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. "With the transparent handling of this case, it is hoped that the appropriate justice can be achieved," he said.