Using Exemplary Stadiums In Liga 2, Medan Football Association Confirmed Bobby Nasution Must Pay Retribution

MEDAN - The cancellation of the Medan Football Association (PSMS) test match due to the blackout of the Teladan Stadium lights caused a controversy.

Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution said he had met with PSMS Medan.

"So we have communicated with PSMS, which is certain that the regional government will open the widest possible way for all companies that want to use regional assets", Bobby explained to reporters, Monday, July 18.

Bobby Nasution emphasized that all private companies that use City Government assets must pay. Likewise, PSMS when using the Teladan Stadium for training purposes or whatever must pay a levy.

"All activities that use City Government facilities, if carried out by private parties, are paid for and not only for PSMS but for all private companies", he explained.

The son-in-law of President Joko Widodo emphasized that the levy on the use of regional assets is already in Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2016.

"It's 2016 again, so it's been a long time since the local regulation has been clear, it's not Bobby Nasution's rule. In that regulation, there is already a light levy and all the complete rules. We're just enforcing the local regulation", he explained.

Bobby also emphasized that his party will be committed to maintaining the assets of the City Government properly

"Moreover, the Medan City Government's assets can increase Regional Original Income (PAD), so we must try to both maintain it with the applicable rules and regulations", he explained.

When asked about the question of whether the PSMS Medan had to pay a fee, Bobby was reluctant to answer.

"Well, this is just a random question. Of course, all Medan City Government assets have a levy", he said.

It is hoped that Bobby said that this Exemplary Stadium could add to the PAD of Medan City.

"Including the PSMS message and all the assets of the Medan City Government, hopefully, it can add to Medan City's PAD", he concluded.