This Television Star Said That The Penis Of The Portuguese Footballer Who Slept With Him Was Like A Worm

JAKARTA - A Spanish television star who had an affair with a Portuguese footballer made a controversial statement. He said the footballer's genitals were like "worms lost in the Amazon rainforest".

Mari Cielo Pajares shot to fame in her homeland when she starred in the game show La Cara Fuerte 2. She is the daughter of legendary Spanish actor Andres Parajes.

Pajares' past includes her activities as an adult film actress. This he said in his book Memoirs of a Whore.

In the book there is a section that tells about his interactions with an unnamed Portuguese footballer. He described the man as "very handsome".

Quoted by Mundo Deportivo, Pajares said: "It was almost dawn, the Portuguese player decided it was time for us to sleep.

"When he finally took off his pants… these, hands down, the smallest micropenis I have ever seen.

"If I had to masturbate him, I would need tweezers, a microscope and a GPS."

He said he would never reveal the identity of the footballer, because he did not want to "ruin his life".

But she admits she had to leave sexual relations because of her small penis.

"I will not name names and will never say because I do not want to ruin his life," he told Diez Minutos.

"We have had sex on several occasions. He has an impressive back and abs, but when he takes off his pants and I'm like, 'Goodbye!'

"It's like a little worm lost in the Amazon rainforest. I would only say that he is a foreigner and very handsome."