From Virginia To Pennsylvania, Hummer Cars With Armed People Almost Attack The Polling Building

JAKARTA - The Philadelphia Police said Friday, November 6 that they were investigating the alleged plot to attack the Pennsylvania Convention Center, the building where the fierce election vote for the president of the United States was being counted.

Local police received information that a Hummer with gunmen traveling from Virginia was planning to attack the building, a police representative said.

Police have detained at least one person and confiscated a gun and a Hummer vehicle named in the information. No injuries were reported and there was no further information regarding the alleged plan.

The report was previously reported by Action News, which is affiliated with broadcaster ABC. 6 ABC video footage broadcast by the channel showed a number of police officers at the scene.

Earlier, on Thursday, November 5, supporters of US President Donald Trump as well as his Democratic opponent Joe Biden staged a rally in Philadelphia as election officials slowly counted the thousands of ballots sent by post that could determine who won the 20 votes. electoral importance in Pennsylvania.

Crowds of Trump supporters waved flags and carried posters reading "Voting completed on Election Day" and "Sorry, voting is closed", while earlier on the same day Biden supporters danced to musical accompaniment behind a barricade across the street. .

The state appeals court ruled on Thursday that more Republican observers could enter the building in Philadelphia where polling officials are taking place.

The US Postal Service (USPS) said some 1,700 ballots had been identified in Pennsylvania at processing facilities during two searches late Thursday and were in the process of being sent to election officials.

Trump has repeatedly said without evidence that voting is prone to fraud, while election experts say such cases are rare in US elections.