Danny Pomanto's Team Submits The Managing Director Of PD Terminal Makassar And The Pair Deng Ical To Bawaslu

MAKASSAR - The legal team for the pair of candidates for mayor-deputy mayor of Makassar M Ramdhan 'Danny' Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (Adama) reported the Managing Director of Makassar Metro Terminal Regional Company (PD), Arsony to Bawaslu. Arsony was reported to Bawaslu Makassar for allegedly campaigning for the Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (Dilan) candidate pair.

"That we, the Idamanta legal team have reported the board of directors of PD Terminal Makassar on behalf of Arsony who has facilitated the place and campaigned for candidate number 3 Fadli Nanda and facilitated PD terminal employees," said legal team spokesman Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati, Akhmad Rianto, contacted by VOI, Friday, November 6.

Not only the Managing Director of PD Makassar Terminal, Adama's legal team also reported the vice mayor of Makassar candidate number 3 Fadli Ananda. It is suspected that Fadli used state facilities.

"Regarding this issue in the recording, it is very clear how Arsony campaigned for Fadli Ananda who was right beside him and instructed the PD terminal employees to choose candidate pair number 3," he said.

This report was submitted to the Makassar City Bawaslu after the Adama team obtained evidence and video on Monday, November 2.

"In the video recordings and photos, it can be seen that this incident took place on the second floor of the PD office in Makassar city terminal," he continued.