Having A New 'weapon', Sri Mulyani Ensures That She Will Not Stop Chasing Tax Evaders

JAKARTA – Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, issued a firm statement during a series of official G20 meetings in Bali this week.

In her statement, she stated that the government will continue to optimize all available resources to ensure state revenues can run well, including pursuing parties who are trying to avoid tax.

"The Indonesian government will not stop and will continue to exchange information and data to increase the obligation to pay taxes and prevent tax evasion activities through the placement of assets abroad", she said online on Thursday, July 14.

This commitment is called the Minister of Finance as an effort to fight tax violations that are often encountered in the field. Furthermore, he assessed that more cooperation between jurisdictions is needed so that tax transparency can be realized.

“This is something that must be achieved immediately to achieve global tax transparency. This initiative will be more effective in preventing tax evasion and financial flows", she said.

Recently, it was stated that 11 tax jurisdictions agreed to sign the Bali Declaration which is part of the Asia Initiative agenda. In the explanation of the Minister of Finance, the Asia Initiative is an achievement in itself to carry out tax transparency and Exchange of Information (EOI).

Meanwhile, the 11 jurisdictions are Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong (SAR), India, Japan, South Korea, Macau (SAR), Malaysia, Maldives, Singapore, and Thailand.

On this occasion, the Minister of Finance also mentioned the success of the government in organizing the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) aka tax amnesty which took place from January 1 to June 30 last.

"Yesterday's tax amnesty was able to run successfully thanks to the contribution of tax transparency as well as the exchange of information and data", closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.