Public Works Brigadier General Is Upset About Fake Letters, Police: Should Understand The Perkap Investigation

JAKARTA - Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo, the defendant in the alleged forgery of Joko Tjandra's travel documents, is known to have been angry when he learned that his case was exposed because there was a report from his subordinate, AKP Iwan Purwanto.

This was revealed when AKP Iwan Purwanto was presented as a witness at the East Jakarta District Court, some time ago. In his testimony, Iwan Purwanto admitted that he was ordered by his superiors to report the alleged criminal act of letter forgery in the case of Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra. This is what made Prasetijo angry.

Responding to this, the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Pol Ferdy Sambo said that Brigadier General Pol Prasetijo Utomo as the defendant in the case of letter forgery should understand Kapolri Regulation No. 6 of 2019 regarding the criminal investigation process.

"Every member of the National Police who is an investigator should understand Perkap 6/2019," Sambo told reporters as reported by Antara, Friday, November 6.

He said in Article 3 paragraph (5) letter a, it is stated that the police report model A is a police report made by a member of the National Police who experienced, knew or directly encountered the incident. Then there is also a model B report made by public complaints.

According to him, AKP Iwan Purwanto as the investigator received the submission of the results of the investigation from the Police Propam Division, which means that AKP Iwan as a member of the Police knew or found out directly about the incident, namely the alleged criminal letter forgery.

"So he is obliged to make a police report model A. So he (Iwan Purwanto) did not report the defendant (Brig. Gen. Prasetijo Utomo), but he found the events that occurred. The members of the National Police, let alone serving in the Criminal Investigation Unit (the defendant) understood Perkap 6 year 2019," he said.

Then the steps taken by AKP Iwan were to report an alleged crime to the Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Furthermore, the investigative team conducts investigations and investigations to find the perpetrators of the criminal incident.

Iwan's move to report the case to Bareskrim was judged correct because it was in accordance with the Perkap.

"So it is wrong if Iwan is said to have reported him (the accused Brigadier General Prasetijo). The police report made by AKP Iwan is a model A report which is in accordance with Article 3 Paragraph (5) letter a, it is stated that the report made by members of the National Police," detailed Sambo.