Awesome! A Special Job Fair For People With Disabilities, Today Is The Last Day

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower through the Job Market Center (Pasker ID) in collaboration with PT Disabilitas Kerja Indonesia (PT DKI) held the first Job Fair specifically for people with disabilities in Indonesia.

The job fair will be held at the Job Market Center Building, Jakarta, until July 13, 2022.

"We would like to thank our partners, PT Disabilitas Kerja Indonesia, Australian Volunteers, ILO, Center for the Labor Market, for holding an event that aims to provide equal space for persons with disabilities to access a decent life through the labor market," said the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Manpower, Anwar Sanusi, Tuesday, July 12, quoted from the ministry's website.

Anwar Sanusi said the government has a high commitment in giving side to people with disabilities. Starting from the regulatory side, where Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, it has been emphasized the affirmation of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in both the public and private sectors.

Then from the policy side, the issue of an inclusive labor market also continues to be echoed in the Employment Working Group (EWG) G20 forum, where the issue of persons with disabilities is made one of the priority issues of the EWG.

"The issue that we are pushing for in the EWG is to create an inclusive job market that applies to everyone, especially giving affirmations, taking sides with people with disabilities," he said.

Anwar Sanusi also hopes that this job fair will be a pioneer and spark the enthusiasm of all stakeholders in Indonesia to hold a job fair or job fair specifically for people with disabilities.

"I hope this is the beginning and there are many more job fairs organized for people with disabilities," he said.

The Head of the Job Market Center, Muchamad Yusuf, said that this mini job fair was attended by 6 companies and was expected to involve 200 job seekers with disabilities. This job fair aims to help job seekers with disabilities find jobs according to their talents, interests, abilities, and types of disabilities.

"Then from the demand side, we also help to get talents that match the company's needs," he said.

"This job fair aims to build public awareness on equal employment opportunity and provide opportunities for job seekers with disabilities in Jabodetabek, to be able to register or bring job applications to our company, so that our company can assist in the recruitment process," he said.