Central Kalimantan Provincial Government Gives Financial Aid For Political Parties, Largest PDIP And Smallest Hanura

JAKARTA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government provides financial assistance to 11 political parties for the 2022 fiscal year with a total of more than Rp. 5.8 billion. " said Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan, Edy Pratowo in Palangka Raya, Tuesday, July 12, quoted from Antara. The 11 political parties that received financial assistance from the provincial government included PDIP with more than Rp1.4 billion, Golkar with more than 811 million and Nasdem with more than 655 million. IDR 618 million more, Gerindra IDR 513 million more, PKB IDR 449 million more, PAN IDR 337 million more, PPP IDR 310 million more, Perindo IDR 272 million more, PKS IDR 214 million more, and Hanura IDR 205 million more. of these political parties, including according to the mandate of the Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation, namely that assistance is prioritized for for the implementation of political education. "This political education includes four national consensus, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained. He also reminded that political parties have the responsibility to build democratic cultural ethics, gender equality, increase political participation, increase awareness of people's rights and obligations in the life of the nation and state, to increase independence of maturity in building national character.

"Financial assistance for provincial political parties in Central Kalimantan per valid vote by the Ministry of Home Affairs has increased four times compared to the previous Rp 5,000 per valid vote. financial assistance from the APBN/APBD, must make an accountability report on financial receipts and expenditures periodically every year which is submitted to the BPK and the provincial government no later than one month after the end of the fiscal year.