Trump's Request To Stop Vote Counting Is Ridiculous

JAKARTA - Michigan State Secretary Jocelyn Benson called the demands of US incumbent presidential candidate Donald Trump to stop ballot counting in the region as ridiculous.

Trump's campaign team said it had filed a lawsuit in Michigan asking for ballot counting to be stopped, as well as asking for wider access to the tabulation process.

"I believe this is ridiculous," Benson said, responding to the demands made by the Trump campaign team, at a press conference on Wednesday, October.

He added that all valid ballots on the territory of the state had been tabulated as scheduled.

Benson also described vote counting as "efficient, transparent, safe and in accordance with procedures." Thus, "whoever states otherwise is not happy with the result."

Michigan State Authorities will stand in stiff resistance to any attempt to dispute the result of the vote count or disseminate misinformation.

CNN and NBC media projected US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to win in Michigan on Wednesday afternoon, giving Biden 16 electoral college votes adding to his gain to achieve the 270 vote requirement needed to win the election.

With 99 percent of the votes counted, Biden outperformed Trump by 50.3 percent to 48.1 percent or nearly 120,000 votes, far more than the 10,000 votes Trump won in Michigan in the 2016 election.