PTUN Says Attorney General Against Law Calling Semanggi Incident Not Serious Human Rights Violation

JAKARTA - The Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) stated that Attorney General ST Burhanuddin lost the lawsuit in court. The Attorney General is called against the law because he said the Semanggi I and Semanggi II incidents were not serious human rights violations.

This is stated in the lawsuit decision filed by Sumarsih, the mother of one of the victims of the 1998 tragedy. Sumarsih as the plaintiff and the Attorney General as the defendant. This means that the PTUN Jakarta won Sumarsih's lawsuit.

"On trial, it states that the defendants 'exceptions are not accepted. The main case is that the plaintiffs' claim is completely granted," said Chief Judge Andi Muh Ali Rahman, who was seen on the official website of the Supreme Court Decision Directory, Wednesday, November 4.

The PTUN judge stated Burhanuddin's remarks at the Working Meeting between Commission III of the DPR and the Attorney General on January 16, 2020, which stated that Semanggi I and Semanggi II incidents were not serious human rights violations, were acts against the law by government bodies and / or officials.

In addition, it also requires the Attorney General to make a statement regarding the handling of alleged serious human rights violations in Semanggi I and II according to the actual situation. In addition, the judge also sentenced the defendant to pay a court fee of Rp. 285,000.

"Require the defendant to make a statement regarding the handling of the alleged serious human rights violations Semanggi I and Semanggi II in accordance with the actual situation in the next working meeting with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, as long as there is no decision stating otherwise," he wrote.

For information, in a DPR working meeting last January, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said that the shooting cases of students known as Semanggi I and II 1998 were not serious human rights violations.

"The Semanggi I incident, Semanggi II, resulted in the results of the DPR RI Plenary Meeting which stated that the incident was not a serious human rights violation," said Burhanuddin.

However, Burhanuddin did not explain further when the DPR plenary meeting he meant to be held. The reason for the incomplete handling of gross human rights is the incomplete files compiled by Komnas HAM investigators.

"The cause of the incompleteness of the file is due to several things, namely the investigator only fulfills some of the results of the investigation, there is insufficient evidence that the research result is unable to clearly identify the alleged perpetrator of the violation," he explained.