The Case Of A Student Throwing Away A Baby Cannot Be Used As A Reason To Care For The Parents Of The Perpetrators In Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat

JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Adi Kurnia Setiadi stated, regulations in Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 111 of 2014 concerning the Mechanism of Inhabiting Simple Flats did not explain in detail the threat of emptying residential units.

For this reason, his party continues to carry out escorts related to the disaster that befell Amran because of the legal case of Amran's first daughter with the initials MS (19).

According to Adi Kurnia, the Governor's Regulation which is a reference for the UPRS Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat is Pergub 111 of 2014. In the Governor's Regulation it is only written, selling using or producing drugs and liquor, gambling, committing immorality, activities that cause loud or noisy odors, including maintaining animals.

"But if I see here, the regulations are not regulated if there is a problem with one family, it is not regulated. The law cannot be transferred. The derivatives are not regulated, the regulations are," Adi Kurnia told VOI at the East Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, July 7.

Meanwhile, regarding the case experienced by MS, he is currently married to his male partner. Meanwhile, regarding the law that ensnared MS, Adi said, there was nothing to do with Amran (MS's father).

"Where is Mr. Amran's correlation with his son? The law cannot be transferred, that's what happened (in Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat). Coincidentally, Safira lives in a flat, under the supervision of Mr. Amran, Amran (only) has an impact on his son's actions," he said.

Adi emphasized that MS is currently undergoing legal proceedings for his actions. For this reason, MS's actions have been prosecuted.

"I see the governor's regulation (Pergub 111 of 2014) is weak, because it is not regulated according to its derivatives and regulations," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that the West Jatinegara Rusunawa UPRS asked Amran's family to move flats. According to the UPRS, the request for a move was also complained by other residents to immediately move because of the alleged legal case experienced by MS, daughter of Amran.

The circular for the termination of the lease agreement to rent a residential unit intended for Amran, according to the UPRS based on Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 111 of 2014 concerning the Mechanism of Simple Rental Flats.

Meanwhile, Amran explained that he had never heard of any complaints from the residents of Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat that there were residents of the flats who complained about the legal case that befell their children.

The man who once served as a administrator for the relocation of Kampung Pulo also knew both fellow residents of the eviction victims and the relocation of other Kampung Pulo.

"Mereka pun, warga kami yang di klaim (pihak UPRS) tidak suka dengan anak kami, ternyata banyak yang menyukai dengan anak kami. Tetangga pada peduli. Cukuplah banyak membantu untuk NA (anak MS yang sempat dikaliwung), bebernya.

Amran hopes that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government can be fair to the victims and the relocation of the Kebon Pala evictions 7 years ago.

"I hope that in the future I will ask for fair treatment from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, so that our grandchildren will be given a proper place in Rusunawa Jatinegara Barat," he said.