South Kalimantan Police Arrest Corporate Fraud Conspiracy, Victim Loss Reaches IDR 1 Billion

BANJARMASIN - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police managed to apprehend a group of corporate fraudsters with losses reaching nearly Rp1 billion. South Kalimantan Police Commissioner Mochamad Rifa'i in Banjarmasin, Wednesday, July 6. Quoting Antara, the three were wanted after the victim's report, namely PT Virgo Samudera Jaya who was harmed by being cheated by this gang for the purchase of diesel fuel oil (BBM) worth Rp.947,100,000. Rifa'i explained the suspect's mode of selling diesel fuel to PT Virgo Samudera Jaya on behalf of PT Trikarya Wiguna. They offered diesel fuel at a price of Rp 9,020 per liter, much cheaper than the general price of above Rp 15,000 per liter. Not only to PT Virgo Samudera Jaya, the suspects also contacted PT Trikarya Wiguna as the owner diesel and claimed to be the buyer. In fact, the suspects are only intermediaries. When loading and unloading diesel fuel was carried out by PT Trikarya Wiguna and PT Virgo Samudera Jaya in South Kalimantan, the suspects had already asked the buyer PT Virgo Samudera Jaya to send money via bank transfer to an account belonging to a recognized suspect. company account. Director of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police Kombes Pol Hendri Budiman ordered the Tiger Team of South Kalimantan Sub-Directorate 3 Jatanras to disclose the case. The results of the search were finally the suspect with the initials YI was arrested in Sidoarjo, East Java on Sunday (26/6), RO was arrested in Malang, Java Timur was arrested on Monday 27 June and AT was arrested in Denpasar, Bali on Monday 27 June.