Vice President: The Establishment Of The Central Religious Harmony Forum Will Be Well Prepared

JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that the formation of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) at the central level will be carefully studied and prepared.

"This has been conveyed to me in several meetings before COVID-19, or before FKUB has a meeting in Manado. Of course this will be carefully reviewed, considered and prepared," said Ma'ruf Amin when delivering his keynote speech at the National Coordination Meeting. FKUB (Rakornas) virtually from Jakarta, Tuesday, November 3.

FKUB has a strategic role in solving social problems that occur in society. In addition, it is also an effective and trusted vehicle for the community to resolve conflicts.

"In general, FKUB has succeeded in carrying out a good role in building religious harmony, especially in resolving disputes over places of worship, religious broadcasting, and other problems that lead to disturbances of religious harmony," said Ma'ruf.

He emphasized that inter-religious harmony is an important element that must be maintained in an effort to maintain national unity and harmony.

"As a pluralistic nation, Indonesia has the potential to face the threat of division if the national agreement is not properly and consistently guarded and guarded," he said.

The existence of FKUB is regulated in the Joint Ministerial Regulation (PBM) Number 9 of 2006 and Number 8 of 2006 concerning Guidelines for Implementing the Duties of Regional Heads / Deputy Regional Heads in Maintaining Religious Harmony, Empowering Religious Harmony Forums, and Establishing Houses of Worship. This PBM was signed by the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs.

Ma'ruf Amin explained that the duties and functions of FKUB are to maintain religious harmony through dialogue between religious leaders and the community, shelter and convey the aspirations of religious mass organizations and the community, and disseminate religious regulations and policies.

So far, the existence of FKUB has only been at the provincial, district and city levels. In addition, there are still a number of districts that do not have FKUBs.

Therefore, the Vice President hopes that the formation of FKUB at the central level can strengthen the role of FKUB in the regions in maintaining inter-religious harmony.

Earlier, Monday, November 2, the Vice President chaired a meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi, and Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. The three ministers are currently still reviewing the FKUB institutional structure at the national level.