Only Rp. 16 Thousand, You Can Have A House In Sicily

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has neglected the property sector. In Italy, people sell their properties at low prices.

For 1 euro or Rp. 16 thousand, people can occupy houses in the Sicilia area. Launching the Daily Star today, Tuesday, November 3, more than 30 properties in Sicily need renovation.

The abandoned houses were empty for several decades after the earthquake in 1968. As a result, structural damage is still encountered today.

In addition, an empty house in the Cingquefrodi area that needs renovation is also sold for 1 euro.

Judging by the site, people can see various types of houses that are offered for only 1 euro.

Mayor Domenico Venuti said the renovations carried out included improving infrastructure and services as well as repairing electricity and pipes.

Sicily is one of the worst areas in the country but it is also a popular vacation spot. This is because many restaurants and cafes are located along this area.

So, if there are people who are interested in buying the house, they must also be willing to renovate for 250 euros in insurance policy every year until the property is finished renovating.