To Realize 100 Percent Of Piping Networks In DKI In 2030

JAKARTA - BUMD Perumda PAM Jaya focuses on providing raw water supply to increase supply for Jakarta's needs from the Pesanggrahan and Ciliwung rivers this year.

"This year, our focus is starting to build two water treatment plants (IPA) in Pesanggrahan and Ciliwung Rivers. Incidentally, the application for regional capital participation (PMD) has also been received," said Perumda PAM Jaya President Director Syamsul Bachri when met in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5, quoted from Antara.

Syamsul explained that this year, the construction of the Ciliwung and Pesanggrahan WTPs will be in the tender offer stage for project work and is targeted to provide up to 1,000 liters of water per second (LPS) with details of 750 LPS from Pesanggrahan and 250 LPS from Ciliwung for 10 thousand customers.

"The tender will take about two to three years, so it is hoped that it can operate in 2024 or 2025 to accommodate the needs of 10 thousand customers," he said. Currently, only about 68 percent of the Jakarta area is served by piped water.

In addition to this, currently PAM Jaya relies on water flow from Jatiluhur (Citarum) as much as 75 percent, then water flow from Tangerang (Cisadane) as much as 15 percent and which is managed by PAM Jaya from rivers in Jakarta by five percent with a capacity of 1,000 LPS.

"Therefore, programs such as the WTP development project, including river normalization, construction of dams, lake maintenance and so on by the DKI Provincial Government can be a source of water that can be managed in the future to increase supply. Our target is to supply 1-1.5 million subscribers for 100 percent service," he said. Therefore, he estimates that the installation of new water pipes will not be too much in order to make up for the shortfall of around 3,000 kilometers (km) to increase the current network coverage of 12 thousand km of pipes.

"Because of the construction of the WTP, this year the addition of a new pipeline network is relatively small, maybe under 50 km," he added. PAM Jaya data stated that the construction of the Pesanggrahan WTP was sourced from PMD 2019 amounting to Rp. 180 billion.

Then, PMD 2020 is Rp. 195 billion. Then, PMD 2021 also allocates the distribution pipeline network for the Pesanggrahan Phase III IPA of IDR 57.52 billion.

Then, for the construction of the Ciliwung WTP, PAM Jaya submitted a PMD in 2022 of IDR 250 billion which was included in the PMD submission of IDR 373 billion along with several other programs.

These programs are the Karian IPA absorption study at a cost of Rp. 30 billion, clean water services in priority villages in Tanah Merah, Muara Baru, Guji and Secretary of Rp. 78.77 billion and service programs in public facilities in the form of procurement of tank cars of Rp. 13.8 billion. .