Tulungagung DPRD Members Examined By KPK Regarding The East Java Banprov Corruption Case

TULUNGAGUNG - A number of members and former members of the Tulungagung DPRD, East Java underwent further investigations by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigation team at the Tulungagung Police Headquarters building.

The legislators, the majority of whom are still actively serving, were asked for information regarding the alleged corruption in the East Java Provincial Assistance fund for the 2014-2019 fiscal year, which involved three local DPRD leaders who had been named suspects by the KPK.

"(We are being questioned) as witnesses (suspects) Imam Khambali, Adib Makarim and Agus Budiyarto," replied the Hanura Party legislator who was one of the witnesses examined by the KPK, Subani Sirap after undergoing an examination, reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 4.

The three names mentioned by Subani have served as Deputy Chairpersons of the Tulungagung Regency DPRD for the 2014-2019 period.

Adib Makarim is currently still serving as Deputy Chairman of the DPRD for the 2019-2024 period, Imam Khambali is now a member of the DPRD for the 2019-2024 period, and Agus Budiyarto is no longer a member of the DPRD.

Subani was examined from 10.00 WIB until finished around 14.00 WIB.

Apart from Subani Sirap, there were seven legislators for the 2014-2019 period who were also examined by the KPK.

They are Widodo Prasetyo, Saiful Anwar, Sumarno, Ahmad Basroni, Imam Santoso, Saiful Anwar, Heru Santoso, Imam Sukamto, and Mutiin.

According to Widodo's confession when he left the investigation room, the examination of him and a number of members and former members of the Tulungagung DPRD for the 2014-2019 period was the second.

"(The examination) is still the same as before. So this is the second one," he said.

A similar answer was conveyed by Gerindra Party politician Ahmad Basroni, who was economical when he was confirmed by the media crew.

"Yes, the same as before," he answered shortly.

Journalists asked a number of questions related to the questions asked by KPK investigators to the witnesses who were members of the Tulungagung DPRD at that time.

However, both Basroni and several other witnesses chose to be quiet and did not want to answer questions from journalists who had been offended outside the examination room.