Lili Pintauli Reportedly Will Resign From KPK, ICW Says Legal Process Will Not Stop

JAKARTA - Rumors circulated that Lili Pintauli Siregar would resign as Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said that regardless of whether the news was true or not, the legal process would continue.

Originally, Lili would undergo a second ethics trial on July 5. This ethical trial was the result of allegations of receiving hotel accommodation facilities to tickets to watch the 2022 MotoGP race at the Mandalika International Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), from PT Pertamina (Persero).

"ICW reminds sister Lili Pintauli Siregar that resigning as KPK Chair will in no way stop the ethical examination process at the KPK Supervisory Board," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters, Saturday, July 2.

Moreover, Article 32 paragraph (1) letter f juncto paragraph (4) of Law Number 19 of 2019 states that the dismissal of the KPK leadership must wait for the issuance of a presidential decree. Thus, as long as the Presidential Decree (Keppres) has not been issued, the ethics trial must still be held by the Supervisory Board.

"It must be understood that the alleged ethical violation committed by sister Lili has a wedge or connection with aspects of criminal law, namely, bribery or gratification. So, even if she resigns, the legal process will not stop," said Kurnia.

Furthermore, Kurnia urged the Supervisory Board to impose severe sanctions on Lili in the form of a request for resignation.

However, if the sanctions are rejected, ICW is expected to encourage other sanctions in the form of a recommendation to President Joko Widodo to fire Lili as the Deputy Chair of the KPK.

"This is legal and regulated in Article 32 paragraph (1) letter c jo paragraph (4) of Law Number 19 of 2019 regarding the President's authority to dismiss the KPK leadership on the grounds of committing a disgraceful act. ' said Kurnia.