Police Secure 10 Students In The Demo Area Of The French Embassy, Some Bring A Toy Gun

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 10 people who were around the demonstration site at the French Embassy, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta. One of them was carrying a toy gun.

"We scanned it because someone was carrying a gun, a toy gun. It is a toy, but it is not the place it is taken to a place of action like this," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Heru Novianto, to reporters, Monday, November 2.

Those who were secured, said Heru, were students. However, the handling of them has not yet been disclosed because the police are still focused on securing the demonstration.

"On average, all students are under 17," he said.

"We haven't checked yet because we are concentrating here," he continued.

It was confirmed by the police that they were not masses of workers or Islamic organizations. The ten people who were arrested are still being investigated regarding the purpose of coming to the location of the action.

"There are some that we checked, they were from workers, not from mass organizations," said Heru.