The Southern Passage Of Timor Island Is Broken Due To Floods

KUPANG - The southern route of Timor Island that connects Kupang City with Malacca Regency which borders Timor Leste has been cut off due to flooding since Thursday (30/6) yesterday.

The Deputy Regent of South Central Timor, Army Konay, said the route was cut off because the Boking Bridge oprit had broken.

"This bridge is a bridge that is often traversed by people from South Central Timor (TTS), but also people from Kupang City who want to go to Malacca," he said, quoted by Antara, July 1.

He explained that the bridge was not damaged or broken, but only the part of the road that was eroded by about 10-12 meters.

The Army said the TTS Regency Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Service had monitored the road break and would immediately coordinate to immediately repair the route.

The rain that occurred on Thursday (30/6) was very high in intensity which caused several natural disasters.

In addition to the broken bridge, the heavy rain that occurred in the area knocked down an emergency junior high school (SMP) in the area.

Earlier on Thursday (30/6) yesterday, the El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that four areas in East Nusa Tenggara were on alert for heavy rain for the next few days.

"The four areas that are on high alert for heavy rain are South Central Timor, Belu, Malacca and East Sumba," said Head of the El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station Agung Sudiono Abadi.

Agung explained that the four areas have a yellow risk matrix or have the status of being alert for heavy rain so that they have the potential to trigger a hydrometeorological disaster.

The potential for heavy rain, he said, could cause flooding due to the increased volume of river flow and disrupt community activities on a medium scale.