Raging Wild Boar, Crowding Residents To Death In Bengkulu

REJANG LEBONG - A resident of Bermani Ulu Raya, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, died as a result of being attacked by a wild boar. This wild boar butts the victim while working in his fields.

Kapolres Rejang Lebong AKBP Puji Prayitno said the resident who died was attacked by a wild boar named Sukasno (70). The victim died with wounds in the stomach.

“At that time the victim was working in his rice field when suddenly a wild boar attacked him. The victim suffered a wound in the stomach so that his intestines were opened. The victim was taken to the Puskesmas but has died, "he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 2.

The boar who attacked the victim was killed by other residents after learning that the victim was attacked by the wild boar on Sunday, November 1.

According to Puji, incidents of residents being attacked by wild boar in the area have often occurred. It is suspected that this was due to wild boar hunting activities so that the pigs ran to the village and went berserk.

"Because today is Sunday, there is another strong suspicion that hunting was taking place in the forest around the scene so that the pigs fled to the village," he said.

This suspicion was corroborated by public reports which stated that the victims of the rampage of pigs were not only experienced by residents of Pal VIII Village, but also two people from Sentral Baru Village and one resident of Sentral Baru Village, Bermani Ulu District. The last victim reportedly had to be treated at Curup Hospital for serious injuries.

"For victims who died after being buried in the funeral home, this afternoon they were buried in Pal VIII Village," he said.

The police appealed to the people of Bermani Ulu Raya Subdistrict and its surroundings who will carry out pig hunting activities to report it first to the local village apparatus or to the Bermani Ulu Police. Its purpose is for monitoring.