DPR Members Hope Additional Fuel And LPG Subsidies Reduce The Public's Burden

JAKRTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Sartono Hutomo hopes that the additional government budget for subsidized fuel and LPG can reduce the burden on the community, especially those from the poor.

"This is to reduce the burden on the community. The additional budget for subsidized fuel and LPG is indeed given by the government for the underprivileged," said Sartono, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 30.

According to him, the effort to increase the subsidy is indeed important, especially with the current geopolitical conditions and the impact of COVID-19, followed by an increase in prices for various basic needs.

This policy, he continued, is expected to maintain the availability of fuel for the poor in all parts of Indonesia, thereby maintaining the economy of the community.

"So, the Government is indeed here to reduce the burden on the people. And the DPR of course supports and supervises it," he said.

He said that the current geopolitical condition was quite tough, as indicated by, among other things, world oil prices.

Despite the dynamics, the price of crude oil continues to be at a high level, above 100 US dollars per barrel.

Currently, for example, Brent is selling at 110.05 US dollars per barrel, while WTI is 104.27 US dollars per barrel.

With these conditions, continued Sartono, people are expected to be wise in consuming fuel and LPG.

"People are expected to be aware that subsidized fuel and LPG are only for the poor," he said.

Related to this, Sartono believes that the full support of the government and the DPR will be accompanied by Pertamina's full performance in carrying out various assignments.

This includes implementing appropriate and efficient financial strategies, so that the various assignments can be carried out properly.

For this reason, he continued, Pertamina's efforts must also receive support, especially from law enforcement officials, so that subsidized fuel and LPG are right on target.

"So there must be coordination between BPH Migas, the Ministry of Transportation and the Police, especially in the regions, lest the needs of the small people be taken by the industry," he said.

In addition, Sartono also reminded Pertamina to prevent queues of vehicles when refueling.

"So don't let it happen again, there are queues for refueling in the regions," he said.