Minister Of ATR/BPN Commitment To Enforce Agrarian Law In Sulbar

MAMUJU - Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto stated his commitment to upholding agrarian law in West Sulawesi (Sulbar) for the advancement of development and the prosperity of the community.
"Agrarian reform is part of efforts to organize, use, and provide justice for community land, so we are committed to upholding agrarian law in West Sulawesi," said the Minister of ATR/BPN during his visit in Mamuju, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 29.
He said the government would form the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) in West Sulawesi to enforce agrarian law and the government would always be there to provide solutions related to solving agrarian problems.
"GTRA can support the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) so that social and economic activities of the community can run so that there are no more agrarian disputes," he said.
According to him, as one of President Joko Widodo's strategic programs, the agrarian reform agenda according to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 86 of 2018, has given a more tangible direction regarding the implementation of agrarian reform which is an agenda to realize justice in resolving inequality in control, ownership, use, and utilization of land.
"Agrarian reform activities are not solely for the legalization of community land, but to provide utilization to advance development and community prosperity," he said.
Agrarian reform, said Hadi, is very important and becomes a national program because it is relevant to support the development of the new state capital (IKN) in Kalimantan.
Therefore, Hadi asked that IKN development needs to be jointly supported and asked governors as heads of GTRA throughout Indonesia to support the IKN core buffer zone program.
Hadi said that Sulbar's position to support IKN development is very strategic because geographically it is close to the IKN development location because it is only separated from the Makassar Strait, so it has an important role as a buffer for IKN.
"Provinces bordering IKN are expected to support IKN development, starting from the planning stage until the formation and completion of IKN development," he said.
Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Akmal Malik expressed his appreciation and pride for the visit of the Minister of ATR/BPN in the Province of West Sulawesi for providing positive energy for the region.
"This is a pride and honor for the people of West Sulawesi because the presence of the Minister of ATR / BPN will be an encouragement for the West Sulawesi region," he said.
He conveyed that the Provincial Government of West Sulawesi was committed to supporting agrarian reform and the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018.
"We will give our whole body and soul to Indonesia because West Sulawesi is part of Indonesia, building West Sulawesi and IKN," he said.