Akhyar Nasution Diulosi, Received Support From The Nasution Family Association Of North Sumatra In The Medan Pilkada

MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution received support in the Medan Pilkada from the Nasution Dohot Boruna (Ikanas) Family Association of North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

Ikanas North Sumatra expressed support for candidate number 1 who is paired with Salman Alfarisi because he is considered experienced. This support was conveyed at a meeting between Akhyar Nasution and the management of Ikanas Dohot Boruna North Sumatra at the private residence of the former head of the North Sumatra DPD Ikanas, Amrullah Nasution, in Medan, Saturday, October 31.

Amrullah in a meeting invited Nasution's extended family in Medan to win over Akhyar Nasution. Akhyar is known to be currently the Acting Chairman of the North Sumatra DPD Ikanas.

"At the Nasution family meeting this time Pak Akhyar will be running for mayor of Medan. Let's invite and suggest all Nasution families throughout Medan to vote for Pak Akhyar," said Amrullah.

Amrullah is sure that Ikanas North Sumatra will solidly support the victory of Akhyar-Salman, known as 'Aman' in the Medan Regional Head Election.

"I am sure Akhyar can raise the Nasution family in North Sumatra, especially Medan City. In fact, I am sure that Akhyar will also be elected mayor. Judging from our previous experience when the Mandailing people won Governor Edy Rahmayadi, "he said.

For this support, Akhyar Nasution said he was honored. Akhyar appreciates the support provided by Ikanas North Sumatra.

"The Nasution family has become a national conversation. Because by chance two of the candidates are surnamed Nasution. With this support, it has become an encouragement for me to fight in the upcoming December 9 2020 Pilkada contest," said Akhyar.

Akhyar promised to be trustworthy if trust was given to the Medan Pilkada. He hopes full support from Ikanas Dohot Boruna. Akhyar also touched on the preparation of the North Sumatra Fishas Musda.

"God willing, the Nasution family in all regencies will soon be formed and the characters have been prepared to be chosen. Hopefully we will carry out regional deliberations soon, so that all the structures of the North Sumatra Fishas become definitive," said Akhyar.

During the meeting, Akhyar was criticized by the Ikanas family as a form of blessing and support for him to fight for the seat of mayor of Medan.