Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Says Pertalite And Pertamax Economic Prices Are Above Rp. 30,000

JAKARTA - The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif revealed that the economic price of RON 90 and RON 92 fuel oil is already above IDR 30,000 in line with soaring world oil prices.

For this reason, he hopes that logistics improvements in each fuel infrastructure can be carried out to be more efficient and efficient.

"The government hopes that the structuring of logistics operations will have an impact on efficiency considering the current high spike in world oil prices," said Arifin in an official statement, Tuesday, June 28.

He added that currently world oil prices are already above 100-120 US dollars per barrel.

"The economic price of RON 90 and RON 92 (in other countries) is on average above Rp. 30,000. We have to anticipate this because the energy crisis situation cannot be predicted to end this year or later," said Arifin.

Furthermore, he compared the price of fuel in Indonesia which is much cheaper. Pertalite (RON 90) alone sells for IDR 7,650, Pertamax (RON 92) is sold for IDR 12,500.

For this reason, he reminded the public to use BBM as efficiently as possible because it would increase the allocation of subsidies.

Previously, President Joko WIdodo in the PDI-P National Working Meeting revealed that energy subsidies swelled from Rp. 152.2 trillion to Rp. 502.4 trillion, and the large amount of energy subsidies could build one National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

"It can be used to build capital city one because the figure is already IDR 502 trillion. This is all we have to understand, how long can we survive with subsidies of this size. If we don't understand the numbers, we can't feel how serious the problem is today," Jokowi said.