Ruben Onsu Continues To Work With Blood Spots On The Brain, Sarwendah Admits He Needs Medical Expenses

JAKARTA - Ruben Onsu immediately went to work after performing a blood transfusion. Netizens are also worried about Ruben Onsu's decision to continue working in the midst of his illness. Sarwendah as a wife also answered public questions about this.

"For example, if people ask, why are you still working? Just be realistic, even though we are sick, we need money," said Sarwendah as quoted from the Instens Investigation YouTube channel, Tuesday, June 28.

Ruben had time to explain his condition where there were bloodstains on the brain. He had to undergo 8 bags of blood transfusion because there were signs of anemia.

Sarwendah said that staying at home would not improve his physical condition. Because of that, Ruben continued to work while being monitored by doctors.

"If people who are used to work are suddenly told to stay at home, that's also impossible. In fact, their thoughts may increase, so they will be more stressed," he added.

"Sometimes people when their bodies are not fit, they are sick, what they need to pay attention to is their psychological state. If they are happy, their immune system will also increase. That's the term," he continued.

Ruben Onsu has obtained permission from his doctor to continue his activities as usual. "Everything we do now is under the supervision of a doctor, and the doctor also allows it," said Sarwendah.