500 Families Affected By Floods In Fatufia Morowali Village, Central Sulawesi

PALU - As many as 500 families (KK) were affected by the flood that hit Fatufia Village, Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng).

"The intensity of the rain was high from 11.00 WITA to 17.00 and the condition of the ditches that could not accommodate all the rainwater discharge caused the water to overflow into the residential area of Fatufia Village residents at 17.00," said the Head of Logistics and Emergency Division of the Provincial Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). Central Sulawesi Andi Sembiring was reported by Antara, Monday, June 27.

He explained that of the 500 families affected, 350 families were forced to flee to a safer place and to the homes of relatives to save themselves from the bad effects of the floods that occurred. Meanwhile, 150 families chose to stay at home.

Based on a report from the Bahodopi District Government who was in the flood location, the flood height was up to the height of an adult's calf. Currently, the affected residents are in dire need of logistical assistance in the form of baby equipment.

"Currently, the Central Sulawesi Provincial BPBD and the Bahodopi District Government are still continuing to collect data on infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure as well as residents affected by the flood," he said.

Andi appealed to the residents of Fatufia Village to remain vigilant to anticipate similar disasters that could occur at any time.

"We continue to coordinate with the Bahodopi District Government officials to anticipate a bigger impact due to the flooding that occurred," he added.

Andi hopes that there will be no casualties as a result of the incident. Apart from Fatufia Village, the flood also hit Bahomakmur Village. However, the number of residents and facilities affected are not yet known.