Regions Only Budget For Drug Procurement, Farmers Ask Center To Immediately Disseminate Rp10 Million Compensation For Livestock Dead Due To PMK

JAKARTA - Livestock entrepreneurs in Sukoreno Village/Kalurahan, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, expect the government to socialize the plan to provide compensation of Rp. 10 million per head for farmers whose livestock die from mouth and nail disease.

He said that until now, information on the provision of incentives of Rp. 10 million for livestock that died from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) had not been disseminated to lower-level communities.

"We are very happy with the plan, because it can ease the burden on cattle owners' losses. However, we don't understand the technical instructions," said Olan Suparlan, a livestock entrepreneur in Sukoreno, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, June 26.

According to him, the plan to provide incentives is still limited to social media and television, while farmers have not yet listened to all of them.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Animal Health Division of the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service, Sudarmanto, said the Kulon Progo Regency Government through the Agriculture and Food Service did not budget for assistance for farmers whose livestock died due to PMK.

He said the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service only budgeted for the procurement of drugs and disinfectants to prevent FMD.

"We do not budget for it. We only propose a budget for the procurement of medicines," he said.

Sudarmanto said that the central government did have a plan to provide assistance to farmers whose livestock died due to FMD. "There is no information on the technical implementation yet," said Sudarmanto