Inaugurating Sophisticated Rice Factory In Kandang Haur Indramayu, PT Pangan Future Invites Orphans

JAKARTA - PT. Future Food held an inauguration ceremony for the Rice Factory located in Karang Mulya, Kandang Haur District, Indramayu Regency, last Thursday, June 23. Hundreds of orphans from the Al-Mukhlasun Islamic Boarding School as well as residents or communities around the Karang Mulya Exit were also invited to the event.

Also present at the inauguration ceremony of the Rice Factory of PT. Future Food Head of Karang Mulya Village, Head of Kandang Haur Sub-district, and Chairman of MUI Kandang Haur as well as religious lectures from Buya Syakur Yasin, MA

Bambang Supeno as Director of PT. Future Food in his speech said, the presence of this factory is expected to provide more benefits to the surrounding environment, especially the people of Kandang Haur and its surroundings.

"We ask for prayers from you so that it will always be smooth in the future," he explained in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Saturday, June 25.

The same thing was also conveyed by Rudi Pranata Tjoa as a Business Partner of PT. Future Food.

"We really want to give the best for the people here. Pak Bambang has high integrity and pays attention to local residents through regular monthly compensation given to residents in need," he added.

For the highlight of the inauguration of PT. Future Food is a tausiyah from Buya Syakur Yasin. Along with prayers and Symbolic Giving of Compensation to orphans along with Prayers. The inauguration ceremony was marked by turning on the factory operational machines by the Director of PT. Future Food.

This indicates that the Rice Factory of PT. Future Food is officially opened. The last event was followed by a group photo and hospitality and food then followed by a series of friendly events to tasting traditional dishes and market snacks.