Vulnerable Nutritional Problems Experienced By The Elderly Who Often Feel Lonely, Research Proves

JAKARTA - Feelings of loneliness can cause nutritional problems in the elderly due to reduced appetite, said the General Chair of the Indonesian Medical Gerontology Association, Prof. Dr. dr. Siti Setiati, Sp.PD-KGer, M. Epid, FINASIM.

"A lot of our elderly people live alone, loneliness makes the elderly lazy to eat," said Siti in Jakarta, adapting ANTARA, Saturday, June 25.

Mental health is an important thing that must be taken care of by everyone. Including the elderly, because isolation and loneliness affect the desire to eat nutritious food. The feeling of loneliness can encourage the elderly to spend time in silence, such as sleeping or watching television.

"Loneliness causes people to lose their appetite because eating is a social activity," he explained.

The public is asked to be vigilant if the body of the elderly becomes thinner from time to time. Especially if the diet that is applied is not to reduce weight. If you lose weight in three three months and your appetite decreases, there is a possibility of a nutritional disorder. In Indonesia, as many as 34.71 percent of the elderly live with three generations of family, this value decreased by 6 percent from the previous year.

In fact, interacting with family is one of the important keys in improving the quality of life of the elderly. Because they have a greater opportunity to feel social involvement that can bring feelings of happiness. This condition can reduce the risk of older people feeling lonely or neglected.

Siti advised the elderly not to live alone. Instead of living with family, such as children and grandchildren, so that they can continue to interact with many people and eliminate the risk of loneliness. Whenever possible, he recommends that three generations live under the same roof so that the elderly do not feel isolated or left out.

"But it's not easy because in today's era children want to be independent and that's a challenge," he said.

He emphasized that the important thing is that there must be interaction between family members that creates happiness for the elderly. Interaction with children or grandchildren can inject a sense of happiness. Make the elderly more excited to go through the day and eat nutritious food.

"Social involvement is one of the more important factors than genes. Long life is not only a factor in genes, but happiness is important to build," said Siti.

He advised the public to continue to involve the elderly in daily activities so they do not feel left behind, let alone isolated. Provide information and new things to the elderly. Invite parents to give opinions in everyday life, to travel together to entertain themselves outside the home.

Mental condition is important because physical is not the only factor that is an indicator of health. Siti said, healthy is when all aspects are balanced, starting from physical, mental, social and spiritual. In terms of physical health, Siti explained that the elderly need balanced nutrition with carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.

Protein is the main thing for the elderly. Because, the elderly need nutritional intake to maintain muscle quality and body health. He reminded the elderly to continue to do physical activity regularly for at least 150 minutes every week, such as walking or swimming.

Exercise while lifting weights to increase muscle strength is also recommended. However, everything is still adjusted to the condition of the elderly. If there are physical limitations, such as being able to only sit in a wheelchair or lying in bed, moving can be done as much as possible.