Illegal Stem Cell Practices, Serum Originating In Japan

JAKARTA - Various methods of healing or simply maintaining health are present in the community. Traditional methods that are fairly cheap to use the latest technology at exorbitant prices seem to mushroom out of control.

The proof is, last Saturday, January 11, the practice of illegal stem cell injection clinics was revealed. Three people were named as suspects. They are YW (46) as Country Manager, LJ (47) as Marketing Manager, and OH who is the owner of the clinic as well as a doctor.

Stem Cell is a method for creating new cells for health. Meanwhile, the cells in question are eye cells, skin cells, hair cells, kidney cells, and so on.

Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, said that in this illegal practice, the suspects opened a clinic called Hubs Cilinic in the Kemang area, South Jakarta. The illegal context means that they do not have a license to practice or business.

In addition, OH, who is a doctor, does not have the competence to open a practice. In fact, they do not even have a license to distribute the Stem Cell serum.

"They don't have distribution permits, practice licenses and business permits also don't exist," said Nana in Jakarta, Thursday, January 16.

Before being exposed, the activities of the suspects had been going on for about a year. According to the perpetrator's confession, the illegal practice started from January 2019 to 2020.

During that one year, the suspects managed to make a profit of up to Rp10 billion. This is because the victims or patients at the clinic reached 56 people. In addition, this advantage is because they set the price for one injection of Stem Cell, which is quite high.

From tens to hundreds of millions the suspects are pegged for one injection. It also depends on how much serum is injected into the patient.

"There is a price per ampoule depending on the number of cells in the ampoule. If the cell is 100, the price is Rp. 100 million, if 150 cells are Rp. 150 million, if the 200 cells are Rp. 200 million," said Nana.

Regarding the stem cell, it is said that the product was imported from Japan. The product delivery has violated existing regulations. Because in Indonesia, its circulation is strictly regulated in law.

In fact, currently the Stem Cell product is being tested in Labrotorim. There are allegations that the goods sold by the suspect are counterfeit goods.

"So far the product is being tested in the lab, because to determine whether the stem cell is genuine or fake," said Nana.

On the same occasion, the Head of Sub-Directorate for State Security (Kamneg) AKBP Dwiasih added that these suspects used via air for delivery. In addition, the mode used is also done by entering the stem cell into the cooler.

"It was taken by plane. But if the fact is, we are still in depth. It was brought to use a cool box," said Dwiasih.

However, surprisingly, there is an alleged involvement of an international network behind the illegal practice. This group deliberately used Indonesians to market their products.

In fact, the group also uses social media to find people who can become their accomplices. It's just that, this must be proven by a deeper investigation.

"(International networks) they use social media, media, use websites, to recruit Indonesians. The target is rich people," said Dwiasih.

Regarding the circulation of stem cells, Director of Doctor's Referral Health Service, Tri Hesti Widyastoeti, also spoke up. According to him, Stem Cells could not be circulated at all. Because in Indonesia, only the products that can be traded are processed.

"Officially, it has not been traded. The processing result is permitted. Stem cells cannot be traded," Hesti said.