West Kalimantan Police Confiscate TPPU Cases Of Narcotics Types Of Shabu Worth Rp2.1 Billion

KALBAR - The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Regional Police (Polda) of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) revealed and confiscated a number of evidences resulting from the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) from suspects Rd, SB and AH for the case of circulating large amounts of methamphetamine.

"This case began when we arrested the suspect SB on March 11, 2022 with 41 packages of methamphetamine as much as 57.03 grams of crystal methamphetamine, and also found a bank account in the name of the suspect," said Director of Drug Research at the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes (Pol) Yohanes Hernowo here. Pontianak, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 24.

He explained that based on this finding, his party immediately carried out tracking which revealed that the narcotics was obtained by suspect SB from suspect Rd, whose status was a resident of the Class IIA Singkawang Prison.

"So it was revealed that suspect Rd had six bank account books, and found suspicious financial transactions and property ownership that did not match the profile of suspect Rd, so it is strongly suspected that the proceeds of selling and buying narcotics he had carried out since 2018 from the Singkawang Class IIA Prison," he said.

As for the evidence, the confiscation of the results of the TPPU narcotics case with suspects Rd, SB and AH, namely one Toyota Fortuner car with police number KB 1468 CJ, one Toyota Kijang Innova KB 1499 PF, two white Honda PCX two-wheeled vehicles and red, one housing unit in the Millenial Homes Complex, Rp. 100 million in cash, and one plot of land in Sedau, Singkawang City.

"The total assets resulting from the money laundering offenses against narcotics cases with suspects Rd, SB and AH are IDR 2.1 billion, which is now being confiscated by the state," he said.

He added that from the results of the development of the case, his party again arrested one suspect with the initials AH on June 1, 2022 on the edge of Jalan Tanjung Gundul, Sungai Raya Islands District, Bengkayang Regency with 3.4 kilograms of shabu as evidence.

"The suspect kept the illicit goods in a safety tank behind his house on Jalan Yos Sudarso, West Singkawang District, Singkawang City," he said.

The articles that are suspected of the three suspects, namely Article 3 and or Article 4 of Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering with the threat of a maximum imprisonment of 20 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 20 billion.