Update On COVID-19 As Of October 29: 3,985 COVID-19 Cases Recovered, 1,078 Coming From DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) released data on the progress of handling COVID-19 as of Thursday, October 29. Based on the examination of 34,317 specimens, 3,565 added positive cases of COVID-19. So that the total accumulated cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia since the first time this virus entered has reached 404,048 cases.

"Meanwhile, the number of recovered COVID-19 cases currently has increased by 3,985 people with a total accumulation of 329,778," data quoted from the Ministry of Health, Thursday, October 29.

Meanwhile, for death cases, the number increased by 89, so that the total accumulated number of patients who died was 13,701 cases.

On the other hand, provincial data with the most number of positive cases were in DKI Jakarta with 713 cases. Even so, the recovery rate in this province is also quite high, reaching 1,078 people.

Then under DKI Jakarta, there is West Java Province which recorded an increase of 459 cases with the number of patients recovering as many as 492. Next, Central Java experienced an additional 368 cases and those who were declared cured reached 230 people.

Furthermore, West Sumatra which experienced an additional 335 positive cases of COVID-19 and the number who were declared cured amounted to 230 people. This data also notes, in East Java there were an additional 268 positive cases with the number of recovered patients reaching 550 people.

In addition, the Ministry of Health also noted that there were four provinces that experienced additional cases of under 10 cases or did not experience additional cases of COVID-19, namely Bengkulu, North Kalimantan, West Papua, Central Sulawesi, Bangka Belitung, Maluku, North Maluku, West Sulawesi, and Gorontalo.

The positivity rate in Indonesia currently has not moved down from 14 percent, or to be precise, it is currently at 14.3 percent.

Meanwhile, the total number of specimens examined currently has reached 4,463,884 in which 4,381,397 specimens were examined by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and the remaining 82,487 specimens were examined by the molecular rapid test (TCM) method.

Regarding the number of COVID-19 suspects in Indonesia, currently the number has reached 688,888 people. Currently, 502 districts / cities from 34 provinces have cases of COVID-19.