Let's Not Corruption KPK Oversees Stunting Reduction Acceleration Program In Sleman

SLEMAN - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a working visit to oversee the Program for the Acceleration of Stunting Prevalence Reduction in Sleman Regency, Blood Special Region of Yogyakarta, Thursday 23 June. The Head of the Task Force for the Directorate of Coordination and Supervision of Region IV KPK Harun Hidayat said that the visit was one of the supervision of corruption prevention in the implementation of the national program to accelerate stunting reduction in the local government. national government which takes the thematic focus in 2022 on Supervision of the Acceleration of Stunting Prevalence Reduction in Regional Governments," he said as quoted by Antara. r every year. Meanwhile, Sleman Regency is one of the regions that has a low stunting rate of only around 16 percent, even below the national figure in 2021 which will reach 24 percent. , including Sleman Regency," he said. Meanwhile, supervision was carried out in the form of program presentations carried out by the Sleman Regency Government from planning, budgeting to supervision carried out by each agency implementing the Stunting Prevalence Reduction Acceleration Program.

Sleman Regent Kustini Sri Purnomo said the KPK's working visit to the Sleman Regency Government could provide motivation to improve performance in order to accelerate the reduction in stunting prevalence in Sleman Regency. "It doesn't stop there, even the Sleman Regency Government is committed to a target by 2026 to be able to reduce the stunting rate to below five percent," he said. Acceleration of Integrated Stunting Prevention, Sleman Regent Regulation Number 1.8 of 2021 concerning Social Safety Nets, and Regent's Regulation Number 28.3 of 2021 concerning Village Authority in Integrated Stunting Prevention and Control Efforts at the Village Level "To support efforts to accelerate stunting reduction, we have also formed a Team for Accelerating Stunting Reduction in Sleman Regency which was established by Decree of the Sleman Regent No. 12.3 of 2022. This team is chaired by the Deputy Regent of Sleman," he said.