Minister Of Manpower Ida Fauziyah Encourages Provincial Government To Form A Labor Inspection Team

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said strengthening labor inspectors is needed, one of which is to encourage workers' social security participation and encourage the provincial government to form a Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) for labor inspection. June 23, Minister of Manpower Ida said that this was done by considering the workload of labor inspection in the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) and labor inspection in industrial relations. "Strengthening labor inspection will increase social security participation," said Minister of Manpower Ida. namely forming an integrated team between central labor inspectors, regional labor inspectors and the BPJS team for social security participation. Another stage in strengthening labor inspection in PMI placement is virtual and direct technical guidance to all regional labor inspectors and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to all labor inspectors related to the application of labor norms in the company.

The next step is to provide assistance to regional labor inspectors in carrying out their duties of fostering, examining, testing and investigating employment crimes. In addition, other optimizations are to give awards to labor inspectors for work performance and sanctions for non-compliance in carrying out their duties as well as providing deconcentration allocations for the implementation of tasks. -The task of labor inspection. "Another strengthening is forming an integrated team between the center and the regions for handling urgent cases," said Ida. the gap between the number of labor inspectors and the number of objects of supervision, including supervision of PMI. Ida also admits that the need for supervisors is far more than the availability of inspectors. Moreover, the number of PMI placements is increasing day by day. "Of course it takes cooperation with Ministries/Institutions (K/L), Trade Unions/Labour Unions, employers' associations and civil society organizations (CSOs) to improve compliance with labor norms. Second, joint inspections In accordance with the duties and functions as well as the authority of each K/L," he said. Regarding the placement and protection of PMI, he said there are two parties that must be handled, namely PMI as victims if placed non-procedurally and parties placing non-procedural.