Action Against Trucks Occurs In Tangerang, Police Move Quickly To Find Perpetrators

TANGERANG – The act of intercepting a truck carried out by teenagers, adults and minors, has attracted the attention of various groups. Because the action is very dangerous. Evidently, there have been many casualties as a result of this action.

Recently a video circulating showed 3 to 5 minors trying to block a truck on Jalan Raya Curug, Curug, Tangerang Regency. The incident was caught on a CCTV camera at the scene.

Based on the video footage seen, the perpetrators were waiting for a passing truck to arrive. Not long after, the waiting vehicle arrived and they blocked it from the front of the truck. When the truck stopped the perpetrators fled, the truck continued its journey.

When confirmed, the Curug Police Chief AKP Bambang said he would investigate the video. Bambang emphasized that his party would follow up and examine the perpetrators.

"We will check and investigate," said Bambang when confirmed, Tuesday, June 21.

Bambang also said that to avoid similar actions his party would increase patrols around the location.

“We have assigned officers to patrol the streets that are prone to such acts. We hope that with these steps, the behavior of children who act like this can be handled," he said.

Not only that, if the perpetrator has been arrested, his party will call his parents to provide directions to educate and increase supervision.

"We also call parents to provide education about supervision of children and the dangers of stopping on the highway," he concluded.