The Room Of The PPP Faction In The East Kalimantan DPRD Building On Fire

JAKARTA - A room in the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Building, located on Jalan Teuku Umar, Sungai Kukung, Samarinda, caught fire on Wednesday at around 8:20 WITA.

The flames only engulfed part of the room in building D, and it was known that this was the room of the PPP faction of the East Kalimantan DPRD. Local firefighters managed to quickly extinguish the flames so that they did not spread to other buildings.

"Approximately one hour, the fire was successfully extinguished by officers and volunteers who took to the field," said Disdamkar Samarinda Public Relations Public Relations Officer Heri Suhendra when confirmed after the incident reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 28.

He said the part of the building that caught fire in the building was only the back room which was on the 1st floor.

Heri revealed that during the incident, his party deployed three fire trucks, namely two fire trucks and one 23 command unit. The three cars were deployed to carry out extinguishing and cooling by the Damkar Service assisted by private PMK officers, as well as fire volunteers.

"We received a report around 8:20 a.m., and immediately deployed 3 fire engines from Posko 3 with the help of nearby volunteers," he explained.

Until now, the cause of the fire has not been determined and the authorities are still investigating. "We do not know the origin of the fire, currently it is still being investigated by the authorities," he concluded.