DPW NasDem Aceh Until M. Taufik Visits Anies Office House, Discusses The 2024 Presidential Election?

JAKARTA - Members of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Aceh NasDem Party visited the official residence of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan since this morning.

Not only DPW Nasdem Aceh, DKI Nasdem politician Bestari Barus and Gerindra politician Mohamad Taufik also visited Anies' official residence.

When confirmed, the Chairman of DPW NasDem Aceh Taufiqulhadi said his party came from Aceh to Anies' house with the intention of inviting Anies to come to the inauguration of the DPW office on 27 June.

"We want to convey that on the 27th the new DPW office will be inaugurated and God willing it will be the best DPW office id Indonesia. We invite Mr. Anies to come. But because the time is very close, Mr. Anies said it might not be possible in the very near future because The agenda is very full," said Taufik when met at Anies' official residence, Jalan Taman Suropati, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 21.

Taufiqulhadi said that his party did not discuss the matter of presidential candidacy in the 2024 election with Anies during the meeting. Because, he said, this has become the business of the NasDem Central Leadership Council (DPP).

Although, the Aceh NasDem DPW became one of the DPWs that carried the name Anies at a national working meeting held by Nasdem General Chair Surya Paloh some time ago.

"We were the ones who recommended (Anies) for the first time, as the aspirations of Aceh cadres. This aspiration has been accepted by the DPP by mentioning Anies' name. So, I have nothing more to mention when it comes to that," said Taufiqulhadi.

When met separately, DKI NasDem politician Bestari Barus admitted that he did not meet with the Aceh NasDem DPW when he visited Anies' official residence. He came with M. Taufik and Chairman of the DPW NasDem DKI Advisory Council Ongen Sangaji.

In a separate meeting, Bestari admitted that he also discussed the National Working Meeting which produced three names of figures to be carried by NasDem in the 2024 presidential election. Bestari said that the DKI NasDem DPW also proposed the name Anies.

"If we do participate in the National Working Meeting, and at that National Working Meeting, DKI Jakarta itself nominates Anies. So, we convey the things that develop in the National Working Meeting and the dynamics," said Bestari.

Then, with the presence of M. Taufik in the Anies meeting with the DKI NasDem DPW, is this a strong signal that Taufik will move to Nasdem? Bestari did not answer firmly. He handed over the rights to Taufik himself.

"That's him (Taufik) who knows. We'll see in the next few days if there is (Taufik's request to join Nasdem). If there isn't, it's Pak Taufik's own right," he said.