Hilarious, This Woman Accidentally Donated A Bag Of Sex Toys For Charity

JAKARTA - A woman accidentally donated the wrong bag. Inside the bag are a number of personal items, including a sex toy.

Launching the Daily Star, Wednesday, October 28, the mother explained that she and her husband cleaned their house and pocketed a lot of things to take away.

They check baby clothes, toys, wardrobes and kitchen drawers. After everything was tidied up, the woman turned her attention to her 'personal drawer'.

She looked at her bedside drawer which was filled with sex toys and other essential items, including some jewelry.

Then when he put everything in the drawer back into the bag to keep again, that's when things took an unexpected turn.

After he handed over a pile of bags to "two very good old men" at a nearby charity shop, he realized what he had done wrong.

Writing on Reddit, in the now-deleted post, the woman said: "I have never felt the sensation of cringing physically in shame like this before."

He added that he was supposed to never come back to get these things. However, in the bag there is a necklace given by his close friend.

The next day, the unidentified woman returned to the shop and asked if she could look back to find the bag she donated by mistake.

The staff member then asked what was in the bag to allow him to identify it. An awkward conversation ensued.

After the worker asked him if the item had a battery and if it was a sex toy, the woman whispered: "Yes."

The woman was allowed to go back and see the things she had donated. Unfortunately, he did not find his "personal item" or necklace.

Never finding her bag, the mother finally gave up. He told the worker: "I am very sorry about all this ...

"I'm really embarrassed ... Thank you, have a nice weekend."

The worker concluded by adding: "Be honest, be careful. I'll save it if I find your sex toy."