New Facts Of Khilafatul Muslimin, Each Member Is Required To Infaq 30 Percent Of Income

JAKARTA - The police discovered new facts behind the source of funds for the Khilafatul Muslimin organization.

Not only does this organization require donations of IDR 1,000 per day, this organization also asks for an infaq of 30 percent of the income of its members.

"It turns out that each of these citizens is obliged to give their version of infaq up to 30 percent of the total income," said Director of General Crime Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Saturday, June 18.

However, when asked further about the funding of the Khilafatul Muslimin organization, Hengki could not say much. Because the investigation is still ongoing.

Including, investigating allegations that there was a flow of funds received by this organization from abroad.

"We are continuing to investigate together with PPATl to investigate it," said Hengki.

Previously, one of the sources of funding for the Khilafatul Muslimin organization came from its members. Because, there is a rule that requires you to donate IDR 1,000 per day.

Based on the results of the preliminary examination, the number of members of this organization reached tens of thousands. Thus, the amount of money obtained from donations is quite large.

Then, funding is also obtained from schools owned by the organization.

This is because parents are also required to make donations.

"Students have free education, so admission is free, but the guardians of the students will be obliged to provide infaq," he said.