Mahathir Mohamad At The NasDem National Working Meeting: Before Being Elected To Be The Speaker Of The People's Tongue, After Being Elected, He Must Be Held Accountable

JAKARTA - Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad advised all cadres of the NasDem Party to be responsible for the people if they have been elected as leaders.

He conveyed this when giving a public lecture at the National Working Meeting of the NasDem Party at the JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, June 17.

"If before being elected he became the mouthpiece of the people to state institutions so that the fate of the people was defended, but after being elected it is his responsibility to ensure that what was fought for for the people while outside the kingdom continues to be fought for," said Mahathir at the National Working Meeting of the NasDem Party, Friday, June 17.

Mahathir said the democratic system of a country frees its people to choose a leader who is considered capable of leading the country. Therefore, the elected leader must carry out his role in order to become a national leader.

"What should the elected leader do to carry out his roles and responsibilities to the people, in order to achieve his position as a national leader," Mahathir said.

In addition, said Mahathir, leaders must also be able to feel the people's unrest. “The leader must be able to feel the heartbeat and pulse of the people. Understanding people's concerns and dreams," he continued.

According to Mahathir, decisions after taking the lead must be based on the wishes of the majority of the people without marginalizing certain groups and prioritizing only one group.

"If this happens, the leader will lose his aspirations as a national leader and become an elitist supporter. Therefore, national leadership requires courage to make decisions and actions, even though they are bitter, but carried out in the interests of the majority of the people and the state," said Mahathir.