Astra Owns 809.53 Million Shares Of Hermina Hospital Management, Value Equivalent To IDR 1.15 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) has increased its share ownership in the management company of Hermina Hospital, PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk (HEAL). This transaction will take place from 7-15 June 2022.

Through this transaction, Astra now owns 809.53 million HEAL shares. This amount is equivalent to 5.43 percent.

If we refer to the closing price of HEAL shares, Thursday, June 16, IDR 1,420, then Astra's total ownership is equivalent to IDR 1.15 trillion.

Prior to the transaction, Astra only owned 734.55 million HEAL shares, equivalent to 4.92 percent.

Even so, Astra Corporate Secretary Gita Tiffany Boer said that the HEAL share purchase transaction was not important information or fact that could affect the company's share price. "The company has submitted a share ownership report to OJK and BEI on June 16 in accordance with applicable legal provisions," said Gita.

Gita added that all material information that could affect the company's share price has been conveyed. She also emphasized that Astra as a listed company always complies with the provisions of the Indonesian capital market regulations regarding information disclosure.