Good News! 80 Percent Of Central Java Vocational High School Graduates Are Immediately Accepted For Work
JAKARTA - About 80 percent of the 263 students who graduated from the Central Java State Vocational School in Semarang City, Pati Regency, and Purbalingga Regency campuses, were immediately accepted to work in a number of companies. The rest continue their studies in college.
"Of the total students who graduated, there are already those who have been absorbed into the workforce in companies including six graduates at PT Buma, 87 graduates in the selection process at PT KAI, PT Buma, and Tambang PPA, 41 graduates who are currently in the selection process at the National Police, and seven graduates who have been accepted into universities, while the other 15 are in the selection process," said Head of SMKN Central Java, Semarang City Campus, Sriyono in Semarang, Thursday, June 16, quoted from Antara.
He detailed the 263 students of SMKN Central Java who were declared to have passed, consisting of SMKN Central Java in Semarang, 119 students at SMKN Central Java in Semarang, 48 students at SMKN Central Java Pati, and 96 students at SMKN Jateng Purbalingga.
According to him, SMKN Central Java is a solution that was initiated by the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in breaking the chain of poverty while reducing unemployment.
"Thank you to Pak Ganjar for initiating this boarding school to be able to break the chain of poverty and create job opportunities for alumni," he said.
He mentioned, this year, Central Java Vocational School in Semarang has opened registration with a quota of 120 new students, all of whom come from poor families.
"Due to the limitations of this year's dormitory, we are accepting 120 new students, for four majors. The requirements are many, but in general, they come from poor, healthy, and accomplished families," he said.
Graduates of SMKN Central Java, he continued, are the target of companies, especially in the industrial sector because apart from skills, SMKN Central Java students are equipped with character, work culture, and intelligence who are ready to face the world of work.
"There are three things that become advantages. Namely character, work culture and intelligence improvement," he said.