The Fate Of Polantas Does Not Ticket Fortuner RF Plates Enter The TransJakarta Route: Reprimand Sanctions

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police will take action against members of the Traffic Police for not ticketing a Toyota Fortuner car with the god of money plate on the TransJakarta bus road. Sanctions in the form of a written warning have been carried out.

"In the video, there is a member at the end of the line. We have also issued a written warning to the person concerned", said Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, to reporters, Wednesday, June 15.

Currently, the Traffic Police are being questioned by the Head of the Regional Unit. Later it will be known the reason behind the traffic police, not ticketing Fortuner who crossed the TransJakarta route, precisely in the Ragunan area, South Jakarta.

Commissioner Sambodo suspects that the reason that the Traffic Police member will convey is that they did not see the Fortuner car with the police number B 1497 RFY. Because the car was blocked by a TransJakarta bus.

"Maybe at that time it was not visible, because it was behind the Busway. But later we will see what the results of the examination are. We will call them later, they will be called again by the Kasat, and they will also be investigated", he said.

With this incident, Sambodo emphasized to all its members not to hesitate to take action against the god plate vehicle. As long as they break the rules.

"This is an act of kindness and also a lesson for members not to hesitate to take action against special plates", said Commissioner Sambodo.

Previously, viral on social media a Toyota Fortuner car with a god or 'RF' plate crossed the TransJakarta route. In fact, they escaped surveillance or were not ticketed by the police. The black car stopped right behind the TransJakarta bus.

In the video, a police officer is seen controlling the flow of traffic at an intersection. However, the car was not prosecuted or ticketed.

Confirmed this, Commissioner Sambodo said he had secured the car. In fact, it provides sanctions, namely revoking the permit to use the god plate or 'RF'.

"Removed STNK and special plates", said Commissioner Sambodo.