Honorary Staff Removed, Ambon Manpower Office Asks Workers To Visit Diligently See Job Opportunities Abroad

AMBON - The head of the Ambon Manpower Service (Disnaker), Steiven Bernhrad Patty, admitted that anticipatory steps had been taken to deal with the regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Reform (Menpan RB) regarding the elimination of honorary workers in all government agencies.

"When we talk about the fate of honorariums according to the central government's policy, unemployment will increase later. But we from the Manpower Office will certainly anticipate that for how we open up job opportunities," Steiven told reporters after a meeting with Commission I DPRD Ambon City, Maluku, Between, Tuesday, June 14th.

He said that anticipatory steps include taking advantage of job opportunities abroad. The reason is, abroad currently opens up quite large job opportunities.

“One of the anticipations we see is how to take advantage of job opportunities abroad or for migrant workers. So that job opportunities other than here or abroad can be utilized if they are in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

The need for labor abroad also covers various fields. Starting from the health sector, fisheries, agriculture and others.

“In Australia there are also a lot of job opportunities, both in the fields of health, agriculture, and fisheries which are highly sought after. Finally, from Thailand, which is engaged in fisheries, it is also temporarily opened, from Japan there are also many apprentices. If in Saudi Arabia today they have a reception for nurses (nurses)," he said.

Therefore, he asked prospective workers in this area to diligently visit the Manpower Office on Wolter Monginsidi Street, Passo, Wainitu Village, Baguala District, Ambon City, Maluku. The reason is that at the Manpower Office there is a number of information related to job opportunities abroad.

"Just for information, for prospective workers in Ambon City who want to check about job opportunities abroad, please come to the Manpower Office according to working hours," said Kadisnaker.

To note, the Ministry of Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) will remove honorary staff in government agencies starting November 28, 2023.

The regulation is stated in the Letter of the Minister of PAN-RB concerning Employment Status in Central Government Agencies and Regional Governments number B/165/M.SM.02.03/2022 which was signed by Tjahjo Kumolo on May 31, 2022.