Repeated Gas Leaks Incident, DPR Will Supervise PT SMGP Geothermal Drilling

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII Maman Abdurrahman accompanied by members of Commission VII Yulian Gunhar, Lamhot Sinaga, Hendrik Sitompul and Nasril Bahar carried out direct supervision in the field related to geothermal drilling activities carried out by PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP).

This Specific Working Visit was a follow-up to the Commission VII Hearing Meeting (RDP) with SMGP in Jakarta on 23 May 2022 regarding the blow out incident which was followed by the release of H2S gas during the drilling of the T-12 geothermal well in April 24, 2022.

Maman said, in accordance with the constitutional mandate in carrying out supervision, Commission VII took concrete steps for the safety, welfare of the community, and the smooth running of mining activities to meet national energy needs.

He explained that the important focus of this working visit was to secure the interests of developing the Geothermal industry in Indonesia and to ensure that all the problems of the affected communities could be resolved.

"The company has agreed with what we have conveyed, but it all takes a process. We will monitor this to completion, our focus is that the community can be comfortable with the existence of this company," said Maman in an official statement quoted on Tuesday, June 14.

Maman added, Commission VII has collected various inputs and aspirations from various parties.

This visit, he continued, is an agenda to find solutions to the incidents that have occurred several times in Mandailing Natal by this geothermal power plant company.

Meanwhile, member of Commission VII DPR RI Lamhot Sinaga will try to guard the interests of all parties concerned, both the local community, the smooth running of the industry, and the responsibility of the Regional Government.

This specific working visit was marked by local people who demanded their rights to mining activities in the area.

Communities adjacent to mining areas feel they are entitled to health, safety and empowerment guarantees, considering that mining activities can also pose risks.

Also attending the visit were the Deputy Regent of Mandailing Natal (Madina) Atika Azmi Utammi Nasution with the Chair of the DPRD Erwin Efendi Lubis SH, and the ranks of the Forkopinda Dandim 0212/Tapsel Lieutenant Colonel Rooy Chandra Sihombing, Deputy Head of Madina Police Commissioner Agus Maryana, Director General of EBTKE KEESDM RI, Deputy Operations SKK Migas, Head of the ESDM Office of North Sumatra Province and several OPDs of the Madina Regency Government.

Atika said that she had conveyed to the company to prioritize the interests of the community and open a space for communication with the local community.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPRD, Erwin Efendi Lubis, assessed that SMGP would restructure the SOP and would immediately follow up on the demands of the community that occurred in the incident at SMGP.

The Commission VII Visiting Team has reviewed several drilling points, such as at Wel Pad Tanggo.

The local community was very enthusiastic in welcoming the arrival of the group and had high hopes that aspirations could be fought for as much as possible.