Puan: DPR Encourages Maternity Leave To Be 6 Months, Miscarriage Cases Rest 1.5 Months

JAKARTA - The DPR has agreed that the draft law (RUU) on Maternal and Child Welfare (KIA) will be further discussed into law. The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, said that this bill was designed to create superior Indonesian human resources (HR).

The agreement on the MCH Bill to be further discussed into law and discussed with the Government was taken at the Legislation Board Meeting (Baleg) of the DPR on Thursday (9/6). This decision will be brought to the next plenary session of the DPR.

"We hope that the Bill on Maternal and Child Welfare which is included in the list of the 2022 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) will be completed soon. This bill is important to welcome Indonesia's golden generation,” said Puan, Monday, June 13.

The MCH Bill focuses on the golden age of a child, which is a crucial period of child growth and development which is often associated with the first 1,000 days of life (HPK) as a determinant of a child's future. This bill emphasizes the importance of implementing the welfare of mothers and children in a directed, integrated, and sustainable manner.

"And this must be a joint effort by the central government, regional governments, and the community to meet the basic needs of mothers and children," said Puan.

Puan said, there are a number of basic rights that must be obtained by a mother. Among them, according to Puan, are the right to health services, health insurance during pregnancy, special treatment and facilities in public facilities and infrastructure.

"And of course how a mother gets a sense of security and comfort as well as protection from all forms of violence and discrimination, including from her place of work," he said.

Puan reminded that the wrong period of 1,000 HPK will have an impact on children's lives. If HPK is not carried out properly, children can experience growth failure and suboptimal intelligence.

“This MCH bill is here as a hope that our children as the nation's successors can get an optimal growth and development process. It is the duty of the State to ensure that the next generation grows into human resources who can make this nation even more great," said Puan.

"Moreover, Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus that we must prepare as early as possible so that our children will succeed in their growth and development," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan said that mothers must have sufficient time to provide breast milk for their children, including working mothers. He emphasized that working mothers must have sufficient time to express breast milk during working hours.

“The MCH Bill also stipulates at least six months of maternity leave, and cannot be dismissed from work. In addition, mothers who are on maternity leave must continue to receive salaries from corporate social security and corporate social responsibility funds,” explained Puan.

The determination of the period of maternity leave was previously regulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower with a duration of only 3 months. Through the MCH Bill, maternity leave has been changed to 6 months and a rest period of 1.5 months for working mothers who experience miscarriage.

The MCH Bill also stipulates the determination of wages for mothers who are on maternity leave in which for the first 3 months of leave, working mothers receive full salaries and starting in the fourth month, 70 percent of the wages are paid. According to Puan, rearranging the period of maternity leave is important to ensure the child's growth and development and recovery for the mother after giving birth.

“The DPR will continue to carry out intensive communication with various stakeholders regarding this matter. We hope that the government's commitment to support this regulation is for the future of the nation's next generation," said the mother of two.

Puan added that the MCH Bill is also closely related to reproductive health education. Then also as an effort to reduce stunting rates, to promote women through involvement in the public sphere.

"Women have the potential in business development that will make a significant contribution to the Indonesian economy," said Puan.