Boyamin Saiman Who Was Examined In The Money Laundering Case In Support Of KPK Disbanded Due To Declining Public Trust

JAKARTA - Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman supports the proposal to dissolve the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He even suggested that KPK employees be merged with the Attorney General's Office.

"MAKI supports the proposal to disband the KPK and then the KPK employee personnel will be merged with the Round Building where corruption or criminal cases are handled specifically for the Attorney General's Office," said Boyamin in a written statement to reporters, Saturday, June 11.

Boyamin said he agreed with the proposal from former KPK employee Rasamala Aritonang regarding the disbandment of the anti-corruption commission. Moreover, the level of public trust in this institution continues to decline and the cases handled are lost to the Attorney General's Office.

Moreover, the merger of the KPK with the Attorney General's Office is considered more beneficial. Moreover, the salaries of employees in the two institutions are very unequal, as is the budget for handling corruption cases.

Based on data owned by Boyamin, the salaries of investigators and prosecutors at the KPK are around Rp. 25 million. "Meanwhile, at the Attorney General's Office it is Rp. 11 million," he said.

Next, echelon II at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) earns Rp. 40 million, while at the AGO it is only Rp. 25 million.

"KPK's budget for handling corruption cases is around Rp. 70 billion while the Bundang Building is around Rp. 30 billion. That also includes handling crimes outside of corruption, such as human rights, taxes and customs," said Boyamin.

"With the KPK being merged with the Attorney General's Office, it will have an impact on increasing salaries so that they will have more achievements," he added.

As previously reported, the Indonesian Political Indicator released the institutions with the highest level of trust in the TNI, reaching 85.3 percent; President 73.3 percent; Police 66.6 percent; Attorney General's Office 60.5 percent; and Courts with 51.1 percent.

As for the KPK, the level of trust is 49.8 percent or is the lowest among other law enforcement agencies. Other institutions under the KPK are the MPR, the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), the DPR, and political parties.

The survey was conducted using random digital dialing (RDD), which is a technique for selecting samples through a random telephone number generation process. The number of respondents involved were 1,213 people who were randomly selected with a margin of error of 2.9 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.