MSMEs In Blitar Successfully Exported 80 Koi Fish To Malaysia

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is assisting MSMEs from Blitar, East Java to carry out their first export of 80 Koi ornamental fish to Malaysia.

"Of course, we are proud because the export this time is UD Sanggrilla Fish, a small business actor who has finally succeeded in penetrating the export market. This cannot be separated from the mentoring role of Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety Agency (BKIPM) of Surabaya I until finally, the business actor succeeded in meeting the health and quality requirements of the export destination country", said the Head of the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products (BKIPM) Surabaya I, Suprayogi, in a release in Jakarta, Saturday, June 11, quoted from Antara.

Yogi explained that BKIPM Surabaya I has a strategic function in supporting the smooth flow of export traffic through Juanda International Airport and Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, East Java.

Until now, he said, 149 Fish Processing Units (UPI) spread across 26 regencies/cities throughout East Java, as well as 35 fish cultivating business units, have the opportunity to reach the global market through air and sea routes via Surabaya.

"The traffic potential of fishery products through BKIPM Surabaya I is very large", explained Yogi.

Referring to BKIPM Surabaya I export traffic data for 2021, the export volume of non-living fish from Surabaya reached 220 thousand tons and 1.6 million fish were alive. The total frequency of deliveries was recorded at 19,783 times.

Yogi added that the traffic of fishery products, especially freshwater ornamental fish, also showed a significant number, namely 6 billion heads. Of this number, Koi Fish became one of the dominant commodities with domestic shipments of 14,617 times with a figure of 3,661,106

"About 80 percent of the total shipments come from Blitar. The frequency of delivery of Koi Fish is fairly high, and shows a quality that is not inferior to Japanese Koi, so we think it's time to penetrate the world market", said Yogi.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Livestock and Fisheries Service of Blitar Regency, Toha, conveyed his support for the development of ornamental fish market access from his area.

He ensured that he would continue to synergize with BKIPM Surabaya I to accelerate export activities, such as managing CKIB (Good Fish Quarantine Methods) and technical assistance in cultivation.

Toha hopes that with independent exports, other business actors will be more motivated to develop their businesses. "Hopefully this will encourage others".