Indra Kenz's Latest News, Writes A Letter From Prison Denying He's Free In The Binomo Case

JAKARTA - The suspect in the fraudulent investment case on the Binomo platform, Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz, wrote an open letter. The contents denied the news that he had been released.

The open letter was delivered through his lawyer, Brian Praneda. The letter written by Indra Kenz from behind bars is dated June 9, 2022.

In the letter, the suspect, Indra Kenz, emphasized that the news that he had been released was only a lie. Because, until now still undergoing detention in the detention center (rutan) Bareskrim Polri.

"The news stating that I am free and going home is not true (HOAX)," Indra wrote as quoted by VOI, Thursday, June 9.


In fact, he stated that he had been in detention for 105 days, starting from February 24, 2022.

Also in the letter, the man who is known by the jargon 'wow that's really cheap' stated that he would continue to cooperate with the legal process. Not to forget, Indra Kenz also promised to help all parties in handling the Binomo fraudulent investment case.

Regardless of the result, Indra Kenz apologized to everyone who was harmed by his actions related to Binomo's fraudulent investment. Because, he claims to have no intentions of evil and deceit.

"From the beginning I never had any malicious intent to harm or deceive others," he said.

For information, there was a video circulating on social media showing Indra Kenz was free. Even the confiscated assets were returned by the police.

In the video, Indra is seen taking a selfie. He wore sunglasses, a beige hat and jacket.

Then, he also took pictures in front of his luxury house in Medan, North Sumatra. The narration in the video reads "Viral!!! Indra Kenz has been repatriated. All his assets are returned".